028 62884688

FINE FT Company Product Launching Event 2020

Date : 30 Octorber, 2020

Host & Organizer : BIZWELL

Venue : Bizwell Business Center- Ho Chi Minh City

The number of Participants : Over 50 peoples

Activities : Testing Product, Introduce, Sale and Advertising

In the Corona 19 situation, as part of a non-face-to-face support program, many requests for marketability surveys such as marketability tests, product fairs, and survey events have been conducted recently.

This seems to be because the “Bizwell Business Center” located in a large office building in downtown Ho Chi Minh City is considered to be highly utilized as a very suitable place for such events.

This is because Vietnamese employees working at about 50 Vietnamese companies in the center test or sample Korean product samples, and faithfully respond to user reviews and surveys.
In fact, since most of the Vietnamese employees working at the center’s tenants are young people in their 20s to 30s and stable wage earners of middle and high incomes, they are consumers who have considerable real purchasing power.